So, I am a HORRIBLE update keeper haha.
I'll get you caught up to date on what sbeen going on in my life so far. So, Callen is now four months old. It's so crazy to think of that. He has his 4 month check-up/shots on the 8th of June.
He's growing like a weed!
I am no longer in contact with Callens father, I really don't know what happened. He hasn't asked about his son on over 2 months so I have stopped any contact with him. Even though that doesn't matter because he doesn't try to reach me any way. I think I have finally found the right guy for me. I have known him for about 2 years he lives in Virgina but is moving to Canada with his family sometime this year. I'm so excited. We have just recently started to reconnect so we want to see where this path will take us. He is compleley cool with me having a son and there is nothing greater that I could ask for. He is completley amazing. So I just though I would make a quick update to get you all caught up.



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