Alright, wow..

Where do I begin?

So, it's been like, 7 years. Sorry about that. Wait, who am I apologizing to? No one actually reads this.

Anyway! Let's get this thing up to date..

So, it's 2018. I'm ... 25.... geez, 25! Where does the time go?! Callen is 8! His birthday was actually yesterday. The 21st of January.

My best friend, (and Callen's second mom) Victoria, and I took Callen to Toronto, to go up the CN tower. He had an absolute blast. Quoting him : "this is the best day ever!" 

We were up 147 story's, took a ton of pictures, had lunch and then took the train home. 

Over the past 7 years, we've had a few ups and downs. 

I finally got a boyfriend, ayyye. After 2ish years, we broke up. You win some, you lose some. 
Callen started Junior Kindergarten then Senior Kindergarten, then Grade 1 and now he's on his last few months of Grade 2! He is so smart and is learning so much. He loves math, which I was always terrible at! 

He also so incredibly tall! Like, I'm 5'2" and he's right underneath my chin tall! I can't believe it. 

I started a new job 2 years ago too, better hours and no nights! Which is great because for a while there I was working until late at night and Callen hated it! 

Almost have my complete license, FINALLY! I'm still scared of driving, so that hasn't changed. 

I'm having trouble remembering all of the events that happened in the last 7 years. But I will definitely keep you all (no one ) in the loop for the nest 7 years and so on..


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