
Alright so adding to my last post since I really couldn't finish because Callen woke up form his nap I will continue on this one. Hooray.

So besides all of the legal-ish drama in my life I also have my mom drama. Like usual mom thinks she knows what is best for my son. Two key words in that sentence, can you guess what they are? No? Well I'll tell you, (thinks) and (my). Yep.
Anyway, we were talking about me getting a job since at the moment I do not have one. After moving in with my parents again since my apartment flooded I made the hasty decision to quit my job and be a SAHM. Awesome right? Wrong! I hate not being able to contribute even though my parents say it's not a big deal. It's a big deal to me. So getting back on track me and mom were talking about how in September I will be starting school again to my old high school so I can graduate and then go on to college. Well I was telling her that I wanted to get a job as well as go to school I mean people do it all the time right? Apparently this person is not allowed. Since mom thinks I'm cruel if I let Callen stay in daycare longer then needed. Like what the fuck mom? It's not like I'm leaving him over night Jesus. The daycare I want him to go to is only open until 6 pm. If I worked someone else may have to pick him up for me but on days that I don't work I can pick him up right after school which ends at 3pm. She thinks that I should be there everyday after school gets out. Or else I'm a cruel parent. God damn, I can never get anything right with her. It always seems to be her way or no way.

I want to move out after I finish high school. That is my plan, I am seriously contemplating either moving to AZ or IA. I have found amazing apartments for amazing prices in amazing locations.I proceed to tell her my little plan and she looks Callen straight in the face and is like 'don't worry, mommy won't take you away from us' I'm just think you crazy bitch. If I want to move my child somewhere with me then I sure as hell will as long as I am financially stable with a good job lined up and such I see no problem in doing this.

Everything seems to aggravate me now a days. I need a girls day or something. Or a day with me callen and friends. Away from my crazy family.


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