More and more drama keeps adding to my life I swear.

I want to go to Iowa this June well I don't think that's going to happen. Me and Eric had a little spat yesterday about him helping get all of Callen's passport stuff done before I buy our planne tickets. Well thinking it ALL through and as much as Eric says he wants to be apart of Callen's life and yadda yadda I truly don't think he wants to. I have given him over a handful of oppurtunites to fly here and meet Callen. I have offered to pay for his ticket. Still a no. He wouldn't have to pay for a single thing unless he wanted to go shopping here. Awesome right? No apparently not for him. I feel like why should I spend almost 1000 to fly to Iowa pay for a hotel, food for myelf and for Callen. Diapers, wipes, everything he would need for a week stay. Why? WHY! When he could come here for free!

I want to keep him thinking that we are still coming though so I can get Callen's passport done and over with and then be like WHOOPS sorryI'm not coming! HAHAHAHA I know it's mean but really I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm sick of trying to work this around him because it's not about him. If he really wanted to meet his son he would have tried a LONG time ago.

I also called Legal Aid and got some information about getting sole custody. The lady said it was pretty easy for the way that I want to do it. Which hopefully is a HUGE relief. Eric has said it's OK if I file for sole custody so I mean how hard will it be? Apparently I just need to go to the court house draw up papers they I will sign them they will send them to Eric, Eric will sign them with either a lawyer of notary send them back to where ever and the courts will file them and they will be done without a hitch. Hopefully.


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