
So an update and a recap.

 As I have posted on here before I think I was supposed to go to IA in June. Well, I doubt that will be happening seeing as me and Eric got into a huge fight yesterday. The worst thing about it is that his douche-y roommates are the cause behind it. Long story short one of hi roommate called me a troll because I said that I was surprised that people form IA even knew what hockey was. Yeah, I know what you're thinking.. Trust me. Basically Eric say that and deleted it off FB when I asked him about it he said everyone was entitled to their own opinions. I took that as him agreeing with his d-bag roommate so I was DONE. I told him to have a fun time dealing with child support papers for when he finally gets served with them since he was been ignoring all the letter the Canadian government has been sending him. Well that pissed him off. He proceed to tell me that if he does get served that he will make damn sure that we (Callen and I) move to IA so he can have as much time with Callen as I do. I flipped. I said do you seriously think that they would give you 50/50 custody? Callen has never even met you! FUCK. He then said that we are both bad parents, I freaked once again. Told him to go fuck himself and all the jazz. First of all don't you dare call me a bad parent, I am an awesome mom to my son. I always put him first, I don't see him doing that. Secondly, YOU ARE NOT A PARENT! If anything you a sperm donor, if that. He called me and brought up his pent up anger that I left while I was pregnant and didn't tell him. I brought out my anger about how he never wants to come here and meet his son because spending 900 plus dollars for a trip to IA for 4 days is ridiculous for me and Callen to travel. Anyway we were arguing and I basically told him to get over it, he said I can;t get over it in like two days. I'm like buddy it's almost been 2 years, fuck. I heard people laughing in the back round several times and while I couldn't tell if it was his T.V or his douche-y roommates I didn't care. I hung up and was over it.

After all of that drama he wants to come here in July, finally.. We'll see how that goes though since every time he says he is going to to he backs out. IDK what to do with him anymore. I want to file for sole custody and literally be done with him but I have a feeling that if I do that he will fight me on it because they will most likely make him pay child support. I want to punch him, 98% of the time.

On a good note: I found me a good boy :) He makes me happy. We are not official or anything but we've known each other since I was in 9th grade and even though I've never met him he's been my best friend since then. His name is Kyle and I'm finally going to meet him this summer some time. He live in PA so he's not too far away and with me getting my license soon I can go and visit him LOTS. I was telling Alexandra about him on our coffee date today and I was blushing hardcore. Ha ha. He's OK with me having Callen and that's part of what I like about him. That his opinion about me hasn't changed.

Hopefully things start looking up.


Anonymous said…
holy crap brit, sorry to hear about the baby daddy drama. nice ending though :) glad to see things turning around.

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